P. V. Sindhu secures lady Commonwealth Games badminton gold

 P. V. Sindhu secures lady Commonwealth Games badminton gold

World number 7 P. V. Sindhu crushed world number 13 Michelle Li 21-15, 21-13, taking India's gold award count to 19 On Monday, India's donning symbol P. V. Sindhu added a Commonwealth Singles gold to her wide exhibit of decorations with a persuading straight-game dominate over Canada's Michelle Li in the last here. The world number seven from India defeated her thirteenth positioned rival 21-15, 21-13 before a stuffed group at the NEC field. The 30-year-old needed to deliver something uniquely great for her first success against Sindhu in quite a while yet the Indian didn't give her a window. Sindhu was clinical in her short game and jumped on the smallest of going after open doors. World number 7 P. V. Sindhu crushed world number 13 Michelle Li 21-15, 21-13, taking India's gold award count to 19 On Monday, India's donning symbol P. V. Sindhu added a Commonwealth Singles gold to her wide exhibit of decorations with a persuading straight-game dominate over Canada's Michelle Li in the last here. The world number seven from India defeated her thirteenth positioned rival 21-15, 21-13 before a stuffed group at the NEC field. The 30-year-old needed to deliver something uniquely great for her first success against Sindhu in quite a while yet the Indian didn't give her a window. Sindhu was clinical in her short game and jumped on the smallest of going after potential open doors. Here is the full rundown of Indian award champs at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022. In the main game, Michelle was attempting to get focus by playing near the net while Sindhu was really going after one. A raving success to Li's left side made it 7-5 preceding the Canadian accompanied a drop shot on Sindhu's on the right track to make it 7-6. Sindhu took three straight focuses after the span to extend her lead to 14-8. Michelle then, at that point, got a guideline forehand drop, leaving her grinning in disappointment. The Hyderabad-based shuttler took a 4-2 lead in the second with a splendid recovery off her body and was cruising 11-6 at the span. The group detected a rebound from Michelle who won the longest meeting of the coordinate with a forehand champ. Sindhu anyway shut the entryway on her and finished a fine win with a cross-court victor. Thanks very much to the crowd, they made me win a prize today,” said Sindhu after the final.

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